Latest Alerts

Message icon 184029

Sussex Alerts - Wealden Police

26/07/2024 Arrests Last week (15th - 21st) saw a total of 22 arrests made across Wealden.- 5 arr...

The Police
26/07/2024 14:58:33

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Message icon 183997

Criminal Groups Targeting Charities and Not For Profit Landowners in the South East

Good afternoon Residents We have received a message from the Environmental Crime Agency asking tha...

The Police
26/07/2024 13:01:13

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Message icon 183996

Criminal Groups Targeting Charities and Not For Profit Landowners in the South East

Good afternoon Residents We have received a message from the Environmental Crime Agency asking tha...

The Police
26/07/2024 12:58:58

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Message icon 183880

Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police

Friday 26th July 2024 Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police London group jailed for Seaford ...

The Police
26/07/2024 08:43:45

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Message icon 183873

Sussex Alerts - Eastbourne Police

Friday 26th July 2024 Sussex Alerts - Eastbourne Police Free boxing for 11-17 year olds Free p...

The Police
26/07/2024 08:35:55

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Message icon 183562

Op Notify - Update

❗ OP NOTIFY ❗ This week, our Op Notify patrols are as followed: 📆 Friday 26th July 📍 South W...

The Police
25/07/2024 16:02:35

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Message icon 16P2

Community Speed Watch NEEDS YOU!

Good afternoon, We have had some success recently with the recruitment of Community Speed Watch vo...

The Police
24/07/2024 18:30:24

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Message icon 183187

Introducing Operation Notify

We are very pleased to introduce Operation Notify – an operation designed to crack down on all ant...

The Police
24/07/2024 08:32:11

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Message icon 183186

Sussex Alerts - Sussex Police and Surrey Police Fraud Newsletter

Wednesday 24th July 2024 Sussex Alerts - Sussex Police and Surrey Police Fraud Newsletter Sussex...

The Police
24/07/2024 08:30:48

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Message icon 10P3

Beat surgery Staplefield Village Hall : Fri 26 Jul 11:00

Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at Staplefield Village Hall car park at Cuckfield on 26t...

The Police
23/07/2024 18:31:22

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Message icon 6P2

Beat Surgery Staplefield 26th July 2024

Good afternoon, We will be holding a Community Beat Surgery at Staplefield Village Hall carpark at...

The Police
23/07/2024 18:31:11

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Message icon 183147

Fraud News-Letter July 2024

23rd July 2024 Dear Resident/Businesses, Please see attached this months Fraud newsletter, Th...

The Police
23/07/2024 17:59:20

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Message icon 15P3

July Fraud Newsletter

Good Afternoon, Please find attached a copy of the July Surrey & Sussex Police Fraud Newsletter....

The Police
23/07/2024 16:01:49

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Message icon 183037

Surrey and Sussex Police Fraud Newsletter July 2024

Good afternoon residents The July edition of the Surrey and Sussex Police Fraud Newsletter is avai...

The Police
23/07/2024 13:03:44

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Message icon 183036

Surrey and Sussex Police Fraud Newsletter July 2024

Good afternoon residents The July edition of the Surrey and Sussex Police Fraud Newsletter is avai...

The Police
23/07/2024 13:02:32

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Message icon 182718

Sussex Alerts - Wealden Police

19/07/2024 Apologies - last weeks alert was not sent due to the global outage of service. Please s...

The Police
22/07/2024 10:39:44

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Message icon 182116

Sussex Police Monthly News Bulletin

Good evening Residents I hope you have been enjoying the warmer weather today, with more to come o...

The Police
19/07/2024 12:00:21

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Message icon 181992

Sussex Police Monthly Bulletin - Adur and Worthing

Good evening Residents I hope you have been enjoying the warmer weather today, with more to come o...

The Police
18/07/2024 21:44:04

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Message icon 15P3

Little Book of Scams Version 5

Dear All I thought i would share the attached for your information regarding scams. Please feel ...

The Police
18/07/2024 12:33:16

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Message icon 15P3

Little Book of Scams Version 5

Dear All I thought i would share the attached for you information regarding Scams. Please feel f...

The Police
18/07/2024 12:12:20

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