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Latest Sussex Alerts

Message icon 184029

Sussex Alerts - Wealden Police

26/07/2024 Arrests Last week (15th - 21st) saw a total of 22 arrests made across Wealden.- 5 arr...

The Police
26/07/2024 14:58:33

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Message icon 183997

Criminal Groups Targeting Charities and Not For Profit Landowners in the South East

Good afternoon Residents We have received a message from the Environmental Crime Agency asking tha...

The Police
26/07/2024 13:01:13

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Message icon 183996

Criminal Groups Targeting Charities and Not For Profit Landowners in the South East

Good afternoon Residents We have received a message from the Environmental Crime Agency asking tha...

The Police
26/07/2024 12:58:58

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Message icon 183880

Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police

Friday 26th July 2024 Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police London group jailed for Seaford ...

The Police
26/07/2024 08:43:45

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