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Latest Sussex Alerts

Message icon 5P1

Suspicious Cold Caller - Please be Vigilant

Please be vigilant to any persons attending your property cold calling in relation to offering to ...

Sussex Police
19/10/2024 17:11:45

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Message icon 206043

Sussex Alerts - Wealden Police

18/10/2024 Arrests Last week saw a total of 10 arrests across Wealden. Offences included assa...

Sussex Police
18/10/2024 15:02:44

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Message icon 206444

Sussex Alerts - Rother Police

Friday 18th October 2024 Sussex Alerts - Rother Police Bexhill museum gifted artefacts Bexhill m...

Sussex Police
18/10/2024 14:31:46

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Message icon 206441

Sussex Alerts - Hastings Police

Friday 18th October 2024 Sussex Alerts - Hastings Police A prolific offender jailed for burglary a...

Sussex Police
18/10/2024 14:27:44

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