The Police
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Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police

Friday 21st March 2025

Sussex Alerts - Lewes and Seahaven Police


Dear residents,


Please find attached this week's Sussex Alerts for Lewes and Seahaven Police.


Thank you.



Contact us


For non-emergency incidents or crime prevention advice, click  www.sussex.police.uk,  (If you report a crime online, we will assess it in the same way as a 101 call).  


Call 101 when you do not require an urgent response. In an emergency when life is threatened or there is immediate danger always call 999.  


Speak to us face-to-face at a police station or contact the local policing team at www.sussex.police.uk/area/your-area.  

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you can contact us using TypeTalk on 18000 or by sending a text to 65999.



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Message Sent By
Jeremy Glew-Deval
(Eastbourne, Lewes and Wealden, Sussex Police District Engagement Officer, Eastbourne Police Hammonds Drive)

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