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Criminal Groups Targeting Charities and Not For Profit Landowners in the South East

Good afternoon Residents


We have received a message from the Environmental Crime Agency asking that we raise awareness around the risks of serious and organised waste crime to landowners, who can leave charitable organisations with substantial clean up costs, that can run into tens of thousands of pounds. 


There is a criminal group currently operating across the South East, where offenders have targeted scout groups.


The offenders’ method involves making an unsolicited approach to charity landowners in person/phone call or email offering free or low-cost landscaping/resurfacing, sometimes in exchange for storing some ‘soil’ on your land. 


The material is waste that has been processed, and to the untrained eye can look like a pile of soil. The cost of clearance falls to the landowner including the landfill tax, which can be substantial. A charity site has been targeted this year in Berkshire and approximately 100,000 tonnes of processed waste has been tipped. 


It is highly likely that offenders are currently scouting for new land, although two individuals were arrested for these offences on the 19th June 2024 and are currently on bail whilst investigative enquiries continue.


Please find attached some information for the benefit of charity and not for profit landowners. The offenders are experienced and well organised, so please encourage your staff and volunteers if they are approached by individuals or companies offering to do free or low-cost landscaping, resurfacing or similar, be suspicious and to report their concerns promptly to the Environment Agency (0800 80 70 60) or via Crimestoppers.


Report any concerns you have via Crimestoppers (online form or tel: 0800 555 111.


Kind regards




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Message Sent By
Kelly James
(Police, District Engagement Officer, Adur, Worthing and Horsham)

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