The Police
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Community Speed Watch NEEDS YOU!

Good afternoon,


We have had some success recently with the recruitment of Community Speed Watch volunteers, particularly in the Balcombe area. These members are now trained and supporting there community and the Police in tackling Speeding and anti-social driving.


I have conducted many Speed checks in the Staplefield area as you may have noticed and despite my best efforts i cannot be present all of the time.


If you have some free time during the week (week days and weekends) and would be happy to undertake some brief training we would appreciate the support.


If you wish to find out more please have a look at the Community Speed Watch website: www.communityspeedwatch.org or you can access information via: www.sussex.police.uk 


Alternatively you can contact myself on craig.harvey@sussex.police.uk or stop me for a chat when conducting speed checks in the Village. 


The next checks are planned for Friday 26th July from 0900hrs until the afternoon at the Staplefield Village Hall car park. During this time i have also allocated time for a community beat surgery to commence at 1100hrs.

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Message Sent By
Craig Harvey
(Police, PCSO, Mid Sussex)

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