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News Updates Rother

We'd like to Welcome Chief Inspector Simon Yates as #Hastings & #Rother District Commander. Simon brings with him a wealth of

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 experience gained from his years as a sergeant with the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), and as Inspector working with the Serious Violence Reduction Team. Simon has a vast knowledge and understanding of neighbourhood policing and community engagement and his collaborative efforts with various partner agencies set a strong foundation for his role. His career is marked by a dedicated commitment to the community, and positively influencing young people, underscoring his passion and vision for everyone.

Wishing every success to Chief Inspector Jay Mendis who will begin his new role at Headquarters with the support team. We’d like to thank him for his inspirational presence, supportive nature, and commendable work ethic, which significantly contributed to the success of all the teams working in Hastings & Rother.  


ShopKind is a retail industry campaign, co-ordinated by ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores), that is responding to the growing problem of abuse and violence toward shopworkers. 

Sussex Police are collaborating with community retailers to proactively address theft, anti-social behaviour, and prevent both verbal and physical aggression directed at store employees. 

Our aim -

• To foster a culture of courtesy and respect within shops.

• Acknowledge the essential role of shopworkers in our communities.

• Raise awareness about scale and impact of abuse and violence towards shopworkers.

For further information, please visit ACS website for more information at www.acs.org.uk/campaigns/shopkind


We have had several reports of Toyota RAV4 vehicle thefts, involving models produced prior to October 2021, being stolen on the Hastings & Rother area.

We are in dialogue with the manufacture, Toyota, regarding the method being used to gain entry to the vehicles. Please see the following link on advice from Toyota.

The following steps can be taken to help prevent the theft or attempted theft of you vehicle - 

  • Be mindful of persons loitering around parked vehicles, who may look out of place or be acting in a suspicious manner. 
  • Double-check that the vehicle is locked, and any electronic locking system is fully-functioning. 
  • If keyless, turn off keyless entry – instructions are usually found within the vehicle manual or by contacting the manufacturer/provider, and keep your keys in a ‘blocking’ Faraday pouch. 
  • Invest in a steering/wheel lock or third-party alarm – deters thieves who rely on digital tools and may reduce your insurance premiums! 
  • If possible, invest in a tracking system.
  • Consider outdoor security cameras at home and dash-cams for when on the move. 
  • Store keys away from entry points to your home.
  • Keep valuables/expensive in-car equipment out of sight. 
  • Please use a garage if possible.
  • If the crime is happening now call 999 - if you are unsure, we’d rather hear about it and decide if a theft is occurring. If it is safe to do so, take photos of suspects or the number plate of their car (do not approach suspects). If the crime has already happened, then you can report it to us online or call 101.


    Be Deer Aware 

    Please drive with caution.

    🦌 When are deer around?

    Deer cross the roads all year round, but their presence peaks in April to May when young deer disperse from breeding areas. Take particular care at dawn and dusk.

    🦌 Seen one? Look for another.

    If a deer crosses in front of you, it is likely that another will follow. If it is safe to do so, slow right down or stop and wait. Deer are unpredictable so drive with caution.

    🦌 Be aware

    Deer often cross the roads in the same locations. Deer warning signs are put up where deer are known to cross regularly. When you see a warning sign or are travelling through a heavily wooded stretch of road, you should slow down, stay alert and be prepared to stop.

    🦌 Use your lights. After dark, use full-beam when there is no opposing traffic. The headlight beam will illuminate the eyes of deer on or near a road and help you to spot them.

    When a deer or other animal is seen on the road, dip your headlights as animals startled by the beam may cause them to ‘freeze’ rather than leave the road.


    Sussex Police have deployed an annual targeted operation to ensure drivers are safe on the road.

    Operation Downsway is an addition to our usual patrols, launched in April in East Sussex and will run every weekend through the summer months.

    The aim of the operation is:

  • Reducing the number of people who are killed or seriously injured on the roads of East Sussex.
  • Reducing the number of reported incidents of anti-social driving.
  • Increase public confidence in local policing through increased visibility and patrols.
  • Target those individuals who are prepared to drive on the roads in an anti-social or irresponsible manner.
  • Working together with The Sussex Safer Road Partnership, the Casualty Reduction Team, the Safety Camera Team, and specialised Community Speed Watch groups, officers will provide a high visibility presence across our road network to make sure law-abiding road users including drivers, motorcyclists and cyclists can do so with confidence and in safety.


    Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a nationwide initiative that engages the proactive involvement of local community members, who, in collaboration with Police, utilise speed detection devices to monitor speeding vehicles. When vehicles are recorded exceeding the speed limits, they are reported to the Police with the objective of providing education to drivers on the importance of adhering to speed limits.

    This initiative plays a critical role in mitigating anti-social driving and excessive speed, thereby contributing to the prevention of severe injuries or fatalities on our roads.

    If you are interested in establishing a CSW group within your community, or for those wishing to become a part of an existing group, please visit CSWs website.


    On Saturday 27th April, we had the pleasure of visiting Sussex Wildlife Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. The purpose of our visit was to deliver a presentation focused on the pressing issue of Heritage Crime.

    It was great to see so many local people come along, giving us the opportunity to engage in discussions about the various threats facing our shared historical and cultural heritage.

    Our presentation aimed to enhance public awareness regarding Heritage Crime and underscore the importance of proactive community involvement. We emphasised the critical role of vigilant reporting in safeguarding our collective legacy for future generations.


    We were pleased to join the NHS Bexhill Primary Care Network gathering on Wednesday 8th at the De La Warr Pavilion. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with various organisations, and as PCSOs, we learned so much about aiding our area's most

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     vulnerable community.

    Talking with the representative from ‘Bexhill Caring Community’ was extremely useful – they offer invaluable services to the elderly, those confined to their homes, and anyone feeling isolated in Bexhill, regardless of age.

    We also had an enlightening conversation with ‘i-rock’, a great service offering guidance on emotional well-being, mental health, as well as education and job advice for young people aged 14-25. 

    Both resources are paramount in our community, and it’s good to know that these organisations are there to help and support the young and vulnerable.


    Vehicle stopped on Ferry Road Rye for insecure load. Driver claimed he didn’t realise the load was insecure as he didn’t load the van! 

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    It’s the driver’s responsibility to make sure his load and vehicle are safe. Although not a legal requirement, Roads Policing Officers ask that you conduct walk around checks before driving a vehicle on the road. 

    Driver issued with a fixed penalty notice.



    Great to meet and chat with a bright group of over 100 Year 5 students at Little Common School, where we discussed the critical

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     subject of cyber bullying and road safety. 

    We underscored the potential dangers lurking online and stressed the significance of parental supervision to screen for content that might pose a threat or risk.

    The Q&A session that followed our presentation was, as always, a highlight, with questions, ranging from our earnings to how many arrests we’d made and how a judge decides an offender’s sentence. This was a particularly good question, as many people think the police decide the sentence of an offender. 

    Thanks for having us. We look forward to our upcoming chat with the Year 6 students.


    If you saw or heard anything, or have any information about any incident in this message please contact us online, or call 101, quoting the reference number provided.

    Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

    You can also visit our website at www.sussex.police.uk where you can find our easy to use online forms to report all non-emergencies to us.

    On our website you can also find police advice to keep you safe and help you understand the law, and also browse our crime prevention pages for first-hand knowledge, industry best practices and practical crime prevention advice from officers and specialist teams all across the police.

    Have you ever had a policing question that doesn't actually require direct police involvement to answer?

    Ask the Police is a great online source of information for the most frequently asked policing questions, visit www.askthe.police.uk/ for more information.

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    Get the latest crime statistics and advice, help us with appeals for information and find out what we’re doing to tackle crime in your area online here.

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    Message Sent By
    Sharon Eldridge
    (Police, District Engagement Officer, Hastings & Rother)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials